Managing Summer Injuries: Alternatives to Opioids for Pain Relief

Managing Summer Injuries: Alternatives to Opioids for Pain Relief

With summer in full swing, we are likely to see an increase in acute injuries and emergency department visits. One of the most common reasons for seasonal acute pain is orthopedic injuries. When treating these injuries, it is important to keep in mind that while opioids can be appropriate to treat certain instances of severe pain, they should not be the only consideration for pain management. There is an abundance of alternative treatments for pain that are clinically proven to be as effective for pain management for some patients. Alternative treatments for acute pain can include NSAIDs, RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, & Elevation), physical therapy, contrast therapy, and topical or oral OTC medications.

Additionally, this time of year brings warmer weather, and unfortunately the risk of dehydration. Dehydration is a factor that increases the risk of overdose for patients who are on opioid therapy, so it is even more important to consider alternatives when prescribing pain treatment for new injuries. It is also important to remind patients who are already on opioids of this risk. Advise them to stay hydrated throughout the warmer months and keep naloxone on hand in case of respiratory depression.

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